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Bunions Dubai Podiatry Centre

Bunions are bony protrusions at the side of your big toe. It is a common misconception that most bunions are caused be pointy, tight shoes.
Bunions are the head of the metatarsal bone jutting out. There can be some extra bone growth too in the area. There are 5 metatarsal bones that are just behind your toes. If you bend your toes over, you should be able to see them like the knuckles of your hand when you clench like a fist. The displacement of these metatarsal bones from being held tightly together like 5 pencils side by side, to splaying out widens the foot and causes the bony lump on the side of the foot. An orthotic is required to tighten the foot, and bring the bones into proper alignment, just like the teeth in your mouth with an orthodontic brace. A Footerella device should also be worn to stimulate some of the very weak intrinsic muscles that cause the metatarsal bones to splay. An x-ray might be needed to see if there is any arthritis in the joint and in some cases, and a surgical procedure may be required for damaged joints.
A biomechanical assessment is carried out initially to discover the extent of the problem before we devise the best podiatric plan for you.


  • Sue

    September 18, 2017 at 3:59 pm

    It was all worthwhile coming to you and giving me all the information I needed. I have been using the footeralla tapes and the insoles! Excited to see the results in few weeks! Thank you!


  • Tina

    October 1, 2017 at 11:31 am

    Thank you very much Michelle for being so patient answering my questions and making me feel at ease. I will try the tapes and will let you know how I get on.


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