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Curved Toenails

Flatten your Curved Nails
Curved nails are where one or both of the linear aspects of a nail starts to form down into the skin to form a curved shape.
Having curved nails is a common problem and can cause great distress to the surrounding skin which can lead to pain, inflammation and even infections.
To correct the curvature and pain it is important to address how the curves developed. Nails can curve due from certain medications, ageing, tight footwear, hereditary, improper cutting, fungal infections and skin problems such as Psoriasis or Ecemza.
Treatment involves assessing the steepness of the curve and choosing the best treatment plan for each patient.
Options include
Corrective Nail Trimming
Nail Braces: where a small plastic device is medically applied to the top of the curved nail. The brace works with a spring-like action to pull up the corners of the curve to straighten out the nail. Leaving a pain free, perfect toe nail. Treatment period = 6-8wks.
Partial Nail Avulsion (PNA): If the curve or nail rydge is steep then a PNA may be recommended. A simple procedure where local anasethetic is administered to the side of the nail to achieve anasethsia. The small section of aggravating nail is then carefully removed right from the nail root. This procedure takes approximately one hour and usually ready to exercise and swim within 10days.

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