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Pedicure Gone Wrong

Pedicures can be a lovely and relaxing experience when all goes well. A serious problem can arise when a pedicure goes badly wrong.

Sometimes the nail can be trimmed too much down the sides and this can lead to severe sensitivity of the nail plate pressing on the nail bed instead of the tough skin at the side where the nail is supposed to sit in its tracks. This tough skin is called the nail sulcus and should never be removed although most people refer to it as ‘hard skin at the sides’.


Another problem can be serious fungal nail infection that can occur from removing the safety barrier which is called the nail cuticle. We can explain the safety of the nail cuticle in terms of your bathroom. For example, the bath has silicone putty around the edges to stop water from leaking down the sides of the bath in between the space of the bath and the wall.

Without this special silicone seal, the water would become mouldy and fungus would grow in between the space of the bath and the wall. This is what the cuticle is there to prevent. It creates a seal where the nail goes under the skin into the root of the nail. Without the cuticle, moisture builds up in that space and starts a fungal infection which affects the nail root and starts to grow a fungal nail.

Incorrect nail cutting is one of the biggest ‘pedicure gone wrong’ problems that we see in our clinic at the Dubai Podiatry Centre. Usually a nail spike is left and creates a big infection as the body tries to reject the foreign object, which is actually part of the existing nail plate.

Another common problem is when the nail is cut away too much at the sides which can lead to irritation and most likely an infection.

If you have received a pedicure which has left you with sensitivity or infection, make an appointment as soon as possible with the Podiatrist to check the toenail status. Leaving it too long can lead to the toenail becoming so infected that the nail needs to be removed completely.


  • Melissa

    April 13, 2018 at 11:31 pm

    This just happened to my on Thursday and I couldn’t sleep last night the bed sheets hurt so much pressing on it I had to sleep with my feet out the covers. I really need it sorted it’s so painful. Are you open on Saturday? Thanks


    • Dubai Podiatry Centre

      April 15, 2018 at 2:49 pm

      Dear Melissa, yes we are open on saturday to help fix your painful toenail.Please call for an appointment or book online to see Podiatrist Michelle Champlin for a detailed assessment and treatment plan. Best wishes, Dubai Podiatry Centre


  • Claire

    April 13, 2018 at 11:34 pm

    I had a pedicure 1 week ago and my big toe on the outside is getting very painful and hot. It looks red. I’ve been soaking it in Epsom salts but it’s getting worse o hunk. When I press the top of my toe it’s really painful. I think the nail is ingrown? But I’ve never had this before and I can’t see any nail. Is this an ingrown toenail????


    • Dubai Podiatry Centre

      April 15, 2018 at 2:48 pm

      Dear Claire, it certainly soundly like a spike of nail has broken off and embedded into your skin. To check this, please call for an appointment or book online to see Podiatrist Michelle Champlin for a detailed assessment and treatment plan. Best wishes, Dubai Podiatry Centre


  • Megan

    April 13, 2018 at 11:35 pm

    My toe looks like the 3rd one! I need an appointment ASAP. Megan


    • Dubai Podiatry Centre

      April 15, 2018 at 2:47 pm

      Dear Megan, we can help. Please call for an appointment or book online to see Podiatrist Michelle Champlin for a detailed assessment and treatment plan. Best wishes, Dubai Podiatry Centre


  • rhita cohen

    December 15, 2019 at 1:54 am

    I had a pedicure 1 week ago, and my big toenail has been kind of looking like the 2nd or 3rd one, it’s very very painful and the problem is i’ve travelled overseas, is there anyway i can cure it. I’ve prescribed antibiotics and a type of ointment but it doesn’t seem to change much. Please help


    • Dubai Podiatry Centre

      January 16, 2020 at 4:42 pm

      Dear Rhita
      Soaking your foot in salt water and applying antiseptic solution from the pharmacy will help. Seek medical attention on your vacation of the redness spreads or you feel pain in your toe. Try to seek out a Podiatrist and failing that go to accident and emergency for prompt medical attention. Hoping you heal quickly, DPC


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