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We’re fitting an orthotic today for a patient with a bunion.

We have the Wave orthotic system which is what we use for measurements of bunions.

We take photos and the patient also gets an ink less impression of the feet at the start of the treatment.

It is ink less so it does not leave any marks on the feet for the convenience of the patient.

As you can see it will be assessed at the end of the treatment. We compare this before and after treatment.

As well as impressions of the feet we take outline drawings of the feet so that we can check these before and after.

It is also a good tool for measuring the feet when it comes to footwear fitting.

The patient can choose the colour of orthotic, here they have chosen Hatta fort colour.

Now here are the finished products.

The orthotics are going underneath the foot to get the perfect fit.

As you can see, the big toe has straight alignment.

It is very useful with toe socks so that the toes are able to go back to their straight position.

And we are fitting them in a wide barefoot style shoe that accommodates all the toes to a straight position.

The patient will now have a little walk in the shoes to make sure they are comfortable.

They are quite steady on their feet and this is the finished product.


For more information or to book an appointment please call our clinic +971 4 3435390 or WhatsApp +971 50 3553024




Squeezing the toes together makes the bunion worse.

When we have nice straight toes using toe stockings, the toes remain straight and the bunion looks less.

Here, when we squeeze the toes together it increases the angle of the bunion.

We want to reduce the squeeze of the toes. We do this by using toe stockings that help the toes to remain straight as you can see here in the beige and black colour.

We don’t want the toes to be squeezed together and increase the bunion formation as you can see here; squeezing the toes makes the bunion worse.

Toe stockings help the alignment of the toes and the bunion, reducing the amount that the bunion protrudes.

Try wearing toe stockings instead of regular stockings.


For more information or to book an appointment please call our clinic +971 4 3435390 or WhatsApp +971 50 3553024





Bunions! There are many different types of bunions.

Some are surgical and some are non-surgical so it is important to understand which type of bunion you have.

For example, for the non-surgical type we would put a corrective orthotic inside the shoe to get the ankle straight.

We would recommend toe socks to make the toes aligned and silicone dividers to get the toes in a straight position, and shoes to accommodate these.

We would also incorporate some foot exercises to get this foot back to full alignment and strength again.

In this case here, we have a foot where the bone has displaced. This would need surgery because the head of the bone has enlarged.

So, if we only do surgery in this case the ankle might still lean in and the patient will still suffer after surgery.

So again, we would do what we did in this case to get the foot in perfect alignment and strong before we proceed with surgery to remove the size of the bone.


For more information or to book an appointment please call our clinic +971 4 3435390 or WhatsApp +971 50 3553024.


Look at this joint when on the orthotic and off of the orthotic.

The ankle is leaning in, the arch is collapsed down, and the big toe joint is twisted out of place.

Now, we need to get the ankle straight and to do that we lift the ankle and arch with a very specialised custom orthotic.

Now, look at the alignment. The ankle is straight, the arch is up and the big toe joint is perfectly straight. No more bony protrusions or bunion.

For more information or to book an appointment please call our clinic +971 4 3435390 or WhatsApp +971 50 3553024.


.لراحة ومحاذاة اصبع القدم الكبير حيث البروز العظمي أو إصبع القدم الأروح ، استخدم منتجات البروز العظمي أو التورّم اللّيليّة

.يُمكن وضع الضمادة النّاعمة على القدم طوال اللّيل بينما تستخدم الجبيرة المصحّحة للبروز العظمي الليلية والأقوى من حيث الفعالية لمدّة ساعة قبل النّوم

.بعد ازالة الجبيرة الليلية، ضع فواصل أصابع القدم النّاعمة أثناء النّوم للحفاظ على محاذاة إصبع القدم الكبير طوال اللّيل

.إذا كنت مهتمًا بشراء هذه المنتجات ، فنحن نبيعها في عيادتنا وفي متجرنا الإلكتروني، رابط المتجر موجود في البايو على الانستغرام


‎لمزيد من المعلومات أو لحجز موعد يرجى الإتصال بعيادتنا على الرقم : ٠٠٩٧١٤٣٤٣٥٣٩٠ أو التواصل على الواتساب على الرقم  ٠٠٩٧١٥٠٣٥٥٣٠٢٤


For the relief and alignment of the big toe where there is a bunion or hallux valgus then use the sleeping bunion products.

The Soft pad can be used on the foot for the whole night and the stronger corrective sleeping bunion Night splint can be used for approximately one hour before bedtime.

After removing the strong night splint, then add the toe separator soft pad for sleeping, so the alignment of the big toe is maintained throughout the night.

If you are interested in these products we sell them in our clinic and in our online shop, the shop link is in our instagram bio.


For more information or to book an appointment please call our clinic +971 4 3435390 or WhatsApp +971 50 3553024.


.تُستخدم هذه المنتجات بشكلٍ شائع بين الأشخاص الّذين يعانون من بروز عظمي أو تورّم لأنّها ناعمة وسهلة الإستخدام أثناء النّوم
.يوضع ملصق البروز العظمي الليليّ على إصبع القدم الكبير لإبقائه مستقيمًا
.فواصل أصابع القدم عبارة عن ضمادة ناعمة توضع بين الإصبعين الأوّل والثّاني لإبقاء المفصل مستقيمًا أثناء النّوم

.كلًا من الملصق الورديّ والضمادة البيضاء ناعمان ولا يسببان أي انزعاج أثناء النوم

.تحافظ هذه المنتجات على المفصل في وضعية مستقيمة. وهي مفيدة جدًّا لمحاذاة البروز العظمي

إذا كنت مهتمًا بشراء هذه المنتجات، فنحن نبيعها في عيادتنا وفي متجرنا الإلكتروني، رابط المتجر موجود في البايو على الانستغرام


‎لمزيد من المعلومات أو لحجز موعد يرجى الإتصال بعيادتنا على الرقم : ٠٠٩٧١٤٣٤٣٥٣٩٠ أو التواصل على الواتساب على الرقم  ٠٠٩٧١٥٠٣٥٥٣٠٢٤


‏This is popular with clients that have bunions because it is soft and easy to use whilst you are sleeping.

‏The sleeping bunion sticker is placed on to the big toe to keep it straight.

‏The toe separator is a very soft pad which is placed in between the first and second toe to keep the joint straight whilst sleeping.

The pink sticker and white pad are both very soft and causes no discomfort while sleeping.

‏These products keep the joint in a straight position.  It is very useful with the alignment of bunions.

‏If you are interested in these products we sell them in our clinic and in our online shop, the shop link is in our instagram bio.


For more information or to book an appointment please call our clinic +971 4 3435390 or WhatsApp +971 50 3553024.


.تتطلّب المحافظة المثالية على محاذاة أصابع القدم  ارتداء الحذاء المناسب

هذا هو الحذاء الذي سيناسب التقويم وجوارب أصابع القدم وأدوات محاذاة أصابع القدم أثناء علاج التورم أو البروز العظمي


‎لمزيد من المعلومات أو لحجز موعد يرجى الإتصال بعيادتنا على الرقم : ٠٠٩٧١٤٣٤٣٥٣٩٠ أو التواصل على الواتساب على الرقم  ٠٠٩٧١٥٠٣٥٥٣٠٢٤

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