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حضر حذاء التزلج الخاص به الذي صُنع خصيصًا له في سويسرا. حسنًا، هذا ما خرج من الحذاء. نحتاج إلى رفع هنا لنرفع قدمه بدلاً من أن تكون ممدودة وضاغطة من الجانب. لأن الأقواس العرضية في الجبيرة قد انهارت، في هذه المنطقة هنا. لذا، حيث تنتفخ، يتعرض لضغط كبير من خلال حذائه. يصاب بها المتزلجون […]
So he brought in his ski boots that were custom made for him in Switzerland. Ok, this is what came out of the boots. We need a lift here so that we can lift his foot rather than it being down and crushed at the side. Because on his gyps cast his transverse arches […]
نحن نقوم بتركيب نعال تقويم العظام اليوم لمريض يعاني من البروز العظمي. لدينا نظام “Wave” لنعال تقويم العظام، وهو ما نستخدمه لقياسات البروز العظمي نأخذ صورًا، ويقوم المريض أيضًا بالحصول على طبعات غير ملوث للقدمين في بداية العلاج الانطباع غير ملوث، مما يعني أنه لا يترك أي علامات على القدمين من أجل راحة المريض […]
Wow! What a great place. Friendly staff from start to finish. Dr Champlin is a diamond, clearly loves her work and is super professional. She took time to explain everything with obvious expertise, enthusiasm and humour. Never thought I’d enjoy a podiatry appointment so much. Plus, there was none of the up selling you get in some clinics. Highly recommend!
The Dubai Podiatry Centre is an excellent foot care center. We would like to express our gratitude to the doctor and the staff for their courteous service and positive attention to every detail. We highly recommend this center to anyone facing foot issues, whether it’s flat feet or otherwise. A big thank to them, and we wish them continued success and prosperity.
I must say that I felt at home in the Dubai Podiatry Centre. The treatment I received was never given to me before. Thanks to the podiatrist and to all the staff.