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Toe walking is very common with young children aged 1, 2, 3 and 4.

As the child grows up and they become a little heavier it becomes more efficient to walk heel to toe.

However if the child is aged 5, 6, and 7and they are still toe walking then we look for any underlying issues that make them stay on their toes.

See the paediatrician and make sure everything is ok and if it is then we will look for issues that are structural.

The most common reason why the children walk on their toes structurally is when the ankles collapse inwards and the arch is falling flat that locks the ankles and makes it difficult to move the ankle.

We would put something inside their shoes that lifts their arches and tilts the ankles back to straight allowing free movement of the ankle therefore they are able to walk and run very efficiently from heel to toe.


For more information or to book an appointment please call our clinic +971 4 3435390 or WhatsApp +971 50 3553024



Do you have a young person in your family that has poor posture, shoulder slouching and feet turning out as they walk?

It could be a result of flat feet. When the feet are flat, the arches collapse, the feet turn outwards, the hips tilt forward and the shoulders roll forward.

In the clinic we would put orthotic insoles inside their shoes, under their feet, helping to lift the arches.

Turning their feet into a straighter position, tilt the pelvis, rib cage, shoulders and raising the chin.

These orthotic insoles go into school shoes and sports shoes to allow for the better posture.


For more information or to book an appointment please call our clinic +971 4 3435390 or WhatsApp +971 50 3553024


Flat feet can cause issues with running and walking in some children
يمكن أن تسبّب القدمين المسطحتين مشاكل في الركض والمشي لدى بعض الأطفال


‏If you notice when the child is running away from you that they are leaning forward and they are wiggling when they are running, it could mean that we need to put something inside their shoes that help their body alignment.

إذا لاحظت أن الطفل يميل إلى الأمام ويتمايل عندما يركض، فقد يعني ذلك أنه قد نحتاج إلى وضع شيء داخل حذائه يساعد على تحسين توازن جسمه


‏When the child is running towards you, you may notice that the feet are turned more outwards. This puts more pressure on the front of the body making it easier to fall.

عندما يركض الطفل، قد تلاحظ أن القدمين تتجهان إلى الخارج أكثر ممّا يشكل ضغطًا أكبر على الجزء الأمامي من الجسم ويزيد احتمال التعرض للسقوط


‏We would put something inside the school shoes and inside the sports shoes that lifts the arches and brings the feet in to a straighter position, putting the bodyweight further back allowing the abdominal muscles to be engaged when they are running.

سنقوم بوضع شيء داخل حذاء المدرسة وحذاء الرياضة ليرفع الأقواس ويجعل القدمين في وضع مستقيم أكثر، مما يسمح بتحميل الوزن إلى الوراء أكثر ولعضلات البطن المشاركة بعملية الركض


‏If you think your child needs something, bring them to the clinic with their school shoes and sports shoes. If there is a requirement we will put it in to their shoes making the child more efficient at running and school.

إذا كنت تعتقد أن طفلك يحتاج إلى شيء كهذا، قم بإحضاره إلى العيادة مع حذائه المدرسي وحذائه الرياضي. إذا كانت هناك حاجة، سنقوم بوضعه داخل حذائه، ليصبح الطفل أكثر فعالية خلال الركض وفي المدرسة



For more information or to book an appointment please call our clinic +971 4 3435390 or WhatsApp +971 50 3553024



Young children with flat feet tend to fall down quite easily and have difficulty running quickly

غالبًا ما يقع الأطفال ذوي الاقدام المسطحة بسهولة أو يصعب عليهم الركض بسرعة

‏The reason for that is when the arches are flat the ankles lean in and the child finds it very difficult to run and walk in that position.

وهذا لأن الأقواس مستقيمة فيميل الكاحلين ويصبح من الصعب على الطفل الركض أو المشي في هذه الوضعية

‏So, they find a better way to run with their feet pointed outwards.

لذا يصبح من الأسهل لهم الركض وأقدامهم موّجهة للخارج

‏When that happens it tends to tilt the upper body forward so in turn they can fall forward quite easily.

عند الركض بهذه الطريقة، يميل الجزء العلوي من الجسد إلى الأمام فيزداد احتمال الوقوع

‏So, we would put something inside their school and sports shoes that lifts the arches and tilts the ankles back to straight giving the child better confidence when running.

لذلك نقوم بوضع شيء داخل الحذاء المدرسي و الرياضي ليرفع الأقواس ويعيد الكاحلين للوضع المستقيم وبالتالي إعادة الثقة للطفل خلال الركض



For more information or to book an appointment please call our clinic +971 4 3435390 or WhatsApp +971 50 3553024

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