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Flat Feet Causing Leg Changes

September 10, 2024 by Dubai Podiatry Centre0



Flat feet can cause changes with the legs in some cases.

In this first example, the ankles have leaned in and the arches have collapsed down.

This in turn makes it every difficult for the person to walk with straight feet.

So, they’ have moved their feet outwards and this is called abduction.

This also makes the knees point outwards and can creates issues with the hips.

In this next example, the arches have collapsed, the ankles are leaning in and it brings the knees in together. We call this ‘X’ legs.

In this one, one leg is straight, the other foot has a collapsed arch and an ankle leaning in.

This brings the knee in to touch the other.

So one leg is straight and the other is not, we call this a ‘K’ leg.

In all of these cases it is very import to put something under the feet, lift the arches and tilt the ankles back to straight.

This helps the ankle, knee and hip alignment back in to the perfect position.



For more information or to book an appointment please call our clinic +971 4 3435390 or WhatsApp +971 50 3553024

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