Non-Surgical Treatment for Bunions
This is the desired foot alignment we would like to achieve with this patient.
Are here we can see the ankles are straight , and the big toes have their straight alignment.
The arches are also engaged and lifted.
As we remove the correct orthotic, the ankles start to lean-in again.
This creates an issue with the big toe. It’s important to try and keep the ankles straight with the corrective orthotic to achieve the desired results with the bunions.
Without it ankles lean-in, arches collapse and the toes move away to the sides.
Removing the silicone from the toe socks, we will again align the ankles and toes into the desired position.
The important part is to achieve straight ankles to have straight alignment of the big toes.
When the ankles lean-in, see how the big toes move away to the sides.
Removing the toe socks, we can see if the alignment issues much better. We can see the ankles leaning-in when the patient relaxes making the toes move to the sides again.
Look how we tilt the ankles back to straight. We achieve a fantastic result with the alignment of the big toe.
Angles are so important when it comes to treatment of bunions.
For more information or to book an appointment please call our clinic +971 4 3435390 or WhatsApp +971 50 3553024