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What to do if you develop an ingrowing toenail

Written by Michelle Champlin BSc Pod., M.Ch.S., S.R., Ch., (UK)
What Are Ingrown Toenails?
Ingrown toenails occur when the corners or sides of the nail dig painfully into the soft tissue beside the nail. This very painful condition causes irritation, redness, and swelling, sometimes with pus exuding as well. Toenails should grow straight out. Sometimes, however, one or both corners or sides curve and grow into the flesh. The big toe is the most common location for this condition, but other toes can also be affected. Ingrown toenails are frequently seen in teenagers.
• Ingrown toenails may be caused by the following:
• Improperly trimmed nails
• Genetics – one or both parents frequently have had the same problem
• Shoe pressure; crowding of toes in a tapered toebox
• Trauma to the feet – small repetitice trauma (such as from running) over time, or a one-off accident that affects how the nail grows, such as stubbing the toe
• Foot biomechanics (alignment) causing the big toe to internally rotate, with more pressure on the side of the toe and the nail to dig in
One or more symptoms may be present with ingrown toenails:
• Pain
• Redness and swelling
• Drainage (pus)
• Odour
• Visibly curved, thickened toenail (onychogryphosis)
Home Treatment
If you suspect an infection due to an ingrown toenail, immerse the foot in a warm salt water soak, or a basin of soapy water, then apply an antiseptic and dress the toe with a bandage to minimize the risk of protection and to protect it from pressure or further trauma. Make an appointment with your Podiatrist as soon as possible as early intervention is best. Ingrown toenails tend not to resolve on their own, and even with corrective trimming at home, will simply come back after a few weeks.
People with diabetes, peripheral vascular disease, or other circulatory disorders must seek podiatric medical care as soon as possible.
When to Visit a Podiatrist
You should see a podiatrist immediately if any drainage or excessive redness is present around the toenail. If you have diabetes or poor circulation, you should seek immediate treatment at the first signs of an ingrown toenail, as it can lead to more severe complications. If left untreated, serious infections or even an abscess can develop. The Podiatrists at Dubai Podiatry Centre are very skilled and gentle and can advise on which treatment is best for you, for long term resolution.
Diagnosis and Treatment
The podiatrist will remove the ingrown portion of the nail and may prescribe a topical or oral medication to treat the infection. If ingrown nails are a chronic problem, your podiatrist may advise a procedure to permanently prevent ingrown nails. The corner of the nail that ingrows, along with the matrix or root of that piece of nail, are removed and cauterized by use of a chemical.

See your podiatrist if you develop a painful ingrowing toenail
• Trim toenails properly: cut them straight across, not longer than the tip of the toes. Do not dig into corners and only gently round off corners with a nail file. Use toenail clippers.
• Avoid shoes with pointy or narrow toe boxes.
• Change your socks or tights every day.
• Never rip or tear edges of nails.
• Wash your feet every day, dry them thoroughly and use a urea based foot moisturiser. Use a gentle foot file to remove hard or dead skin.
• Read more on preventing ingrown toenails from Chief Podiatrist Michelle Champlin
Read Chief Podiatrist Michelle Champlin’s tips on taking care of your toenails, as well as her advice on caring for your feet at home.
If you or your child are suffering from an ingrowing toenail (or two) contact Dubai Podiatry Centre on +971 4 3435390

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