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Ankle Sprains

What exactly is an ankle sprain?

Injury of the ligaments supporting the ankle can cause an ankle sprain. It is much more common to sprain the outside of the ankle, as the inside of the ankle has stronger ligaments which are more difficult to injure.
On the outside of the ankle, there are 3 small ligaments, and when the foot turns inwards at the ankle is may sprain these 3 ligaments, causing tenderness and/or instability of the ankle.

There are varying types of sprains;
1. minor sprain can cause some pain with minor swelling or
2. severe sprain which may include gross swelling around the ankle and down the side of the foot. This tends to create debilitating pain when walking and standing.

All ankles sprains should be treated appropriately, as left untreated a sprain may cause long term weakness in the joint and may easily lead to reoccurring injuries.

What causes an ankle sprain?

The most common cause of an ankle sprain is caused by a sudden unexpected movement, causing hyperflexion of the ankle joint, which will in turn stretch (or in extreme cases tear the ligaments), the supporting joint ligaments beyond the joints limits. There are many ways that you can cause your ankle to go beyond its limits; falling, slipping, sandy terrain, uneven ground and during sports from twists and turns.


It is important to seek treatment as soon as possible, to evaluate your foot and limit damage to the affected ligament, post sprain and jointly recommend a course of treatment.

What you can do: RICE

Rest: cease activities that place extra strain on the ankle. Crutches may be required to keep the weigh off of the affected ankle.

Ice: every 20-30 minutes apply ice wrapped up in a towel (to avoid an ice burn) or if available strap on an ice pack, to limit swelling.

Compression; a compression bandage supports and stabilizes the ankle and also helps to reduce the level of swelling.

Elevation; elevate the affected leg, therefore the leg should be above the level of the heart if you are lying down. If you are sitting down, place the affected foot on a foot rest (which can be a chair with pillows). This will also reduce swelling and increase circulation to the affected area.

Prevention & Treatment

A podiatrist will be able to assess your foot for ankle instability. For example if your foot rolls in (termed €˜over-pronation€™) towards the midline of your body or you have excessive foot and ankle motion you are more at risk of developing an ankle sprain during activity.

Here at Dubai Podiatry Centre we are a specialist rehabilitation Clinic dedicated only to the feet and legs. UK experts, we are highly qualified and experienced in the foot and ankle and are the only clinic in the Middle East to make, from scratch, true custom prescription orthotics specifically for your feet to improve both the function of the foot and ankle and improve the alignment of the lower limb; creating stability in the foot and ankle. This will significantly reduce the incidences of an ankle foot sprain, especially during sports.

For appointment, contact us:
Call: + 971  4 3435390
WhatsApp: + 971  50 355 3024
To book online: Click here

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